Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Well guess what NO chemo...tomorrow. I have been put off a week.I am am annoyed to say the least. My Dr.Finn is worried about my statas as an OTC patient(very long story but the short is my family carries a defiecency in liver functions that bad things can happen if your body is put under a variety of stressors.) I am only a carrier and have never been affected or effected not sure...Valerie? anyway buy the deficiencey. But because my doc loves me he wants to wait until they have an ancedote on hand at the hospital just in case. So although I am greatly annoyed that I am waiting AGAIN. It is the safer thing to do. So next Wednesday" May the 6th is the big day. Don't write that in pen anywhere you will just waste the ink ..."pencil " it in. Haha!

But on the positive side. while i was waiting for my turn...to get weighed...dont they know it is bad enough to have a giant tumor growing in your body no they have to weigh you everytime you go. Like I need to se that number over and over.......Anyway..
I meet a wonderful lady in the waiting area who gave me a wig. I know sounds strange but it is true she heard Darren and I talking...keep ya posted gotta go for now

1 comment:

  1. When I talked to my class this morning I told them about how you told the Youngs you might get a Hannah Montana wig... just a warning they thought "Alana Montana" had a good ring to it!
